Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day 16

When I first got diagnosed the last thing I thought I would be moaning about is how much my bum hurts, but today that is all I want to talk about - just how much my bum hurts. Side effects to chemo come in lots of shapes and sizes, but one of them can be nerve pain, and it just so happens that my nerve pain is in the right hand side of my bum. This then spreads down my legs and into my feet like pins and needles, not something that is particularly pleasant. However, with a little bit of nerve specific painkiller, the doctors are hopeful that this will go away and I can get my nice feeling bum back. So, keep your fingers crossed for me!

One good thing is that despite the pain, nothing seems to be stopping my ravenous want for food. As well as having 3 large meals yesterday, I still managed to have sandwiches, snacks and supplements to fill up my calorie count. I fear that I may put on about 2 stone whilst I'm in hospital, so please don't laugh at me when you next see me, as I may look like a bald, plump man.

On to dealing with the baldness... My hair has yet to fall out, but this usually happens between 3 and 4 weeks into chemo, so could happen relatively soon now. So, I have been looking into wigs, and here is a few from the selection. My final choice has to be made by Monday, so what do people think? As my Dad says - get your votes in now!

Laura xo


  1. Hi Laura! Hugh likes the one that looks like your pre- cut hair, I love the red head look! Do you have to stop at one? Go for a wee selection, though I bet the cost a fortune.

  2. Bottom right on small photos - the one beside the blonde one. Looks so good, and like the far right but not so red!! LOVE YOU AND YOUR MUM AND DAD xxxx

  3. The red heads got my vote.

    Hope the bum gets better.


  4. Hope your nerve pain gets better soon!
    You're coping so well. It makes me so proud to know you.
    I love the top middle and the RED!

    Becky xx

  5. I agree with kate and matt above - the auburn bob - the most BEAUTIFUL. I will ask the girls too, they will have a view!!! (Julia a sensible one, Ibby will plump for the most wild).
    may your bot recover quickly you can't have to go through that! :)
    lots of love xxxx

  6. Hi Laura,
    as far as I can see I am the only one who thinks the one with the long black hair in the middle of the right side is the best but I really love it on you. I think you look different with it but really cool. and you could also arrange it in different ways. I also like the brown bob and the short red one. Maybe you could pick two and change your look whenever you want to. I hope the pain has faded way now or will soon do so.
    Lots of love, Heidi from Switzerland

  7. Hi Laura,

    Gosh - a tough one, I like the brown bob, the short blonde and the red - basically you look really good in them all (though not so sure about the top left one!!!!). XXX

  8. Just asked Angus - he prefers either of the longer ones - so we're not much help other than neither of us would go for the short black one on the left! X

  9. Finally managed to get Maggie away from her trampoline for 5 minutes , she likes the two longer ones too, but also thinks the red one is "cool" - so maybe a long red one???

  10. Oh dear Laura - don't envy you having to chose one as the jury is well and truly out and holds very different and diverse views. Go for something different, something you like and ignore your dad!! Hope nerve pain better now - horrible but your sense of humour is inspiring - the blog is wonderful as are you and your mum and dad Love to you all xxxx

  11. Hey!. The blond one looks most natural I think, bottom left. Although you pick the best one you feel comfortable with !. Get well soon :) xx

  12. Hi Laura - I think they should make a wig of your Pixie cut - looks great!! Hope all your outcomes are as good as your visit to the hairdresser! All the Smiths rooting for you - Teri xx

  13. Longridge Towers School
    Hi Laura,
    We just wanted to tell you we had a 'Roar for Laura' at Fouders' Day Yesterday, I bet you could hear it!
    We send our warmest wishes and keep smiling!
    Form att at LTS xx

  14. Hi Laura, Milena likes the top right, the most like your old hairstyle, I like the bottom right, next to the blonde, Kathy xxx
