However, I was still having some problems with nausea and my temperature still wasn't really settling, which was making life a little difficult for me. So finally, when I visited Glasgow for a hospital appointment last Thursday, it was decided I should be readmitted to hospital again, only this time it would be in the Beatson, so we could hopefully find out what was really going on, as they specialise in post bone-marrow transplant care.
It was quickly assumed that I had GvHD. This is Graft vs. Host Disease, where basically the new cells that I have been given begin to attack the tissue in my organs. It sounds scary on the face of it, but a small dose of GvHD is actually a good thing, with it often being shown that those that have GvHD have less chance of redeveloping the initial disease, i.e. hopefully I now have less chance of my leukemia coming back - which can only be a good thing, as it is shown that those with a little GvHD have a better chance of recovery. This is because, as well as attacking my own tissue, the new cells will also attack any remaining leukemia in my body.
Luckily, the GvHD is also pretty easy to treat as I only have to take steroids. Although, I am a bit wary of this. If you have been following my story from the beginning, you will know that I had problems with steroids when I was originally put on them, as they caused a blood flow problem in my hips. The doctors have tried to help this time by giving me another drug to support my bone health, so hopefully it will do the trick. I will be sure to keep a close eye on any change in feeling in my hips, as it was very painful last time and not something that I wish to repeat. Despite this though, the steroids seem to be doing the trick - and I don't feel nauseous for the first time in weeks!
I was only in hospital until Tuesday, so have had a couple of nice days of home since I returned. I even managed to get out for a walk in a bit of the Aberdeen sunshine, so overall I am feeling much more positive - onwards and upwards I think.